We don't want finances to be the reason for anyone missing out on this community experience, therefore we have listed some sliding scale pricing. If you are able to pay at one of the top tiers this helps balance costs, and helps us to enroll those who might not otherwise be able to attend.
$400 for three day event
A la cart and sliding scale:
Food package $25 per day
Admin fee $25
Instruction fee $100-$25 per day
3 days (with $25 admin fee)
$100 = $325 + food = $400
$75 = $250 + food = $325
$50 = $175 + food = $250
$25 = $100 + food = $175
2 Days (with $25 admin fee)
$100 = $225 + food = $275
$75 = $175 + food = $225
$50 = $125 + food = $175
$25 = $75 + food = $125
1 day (with $25 admin fee)
$125 + food = $150
$100 + food = $125
$75 + food = $100
$50 + food = $75
When you're ready to register, please Copy this 4-line form to the Clipboard:
Days attending:
Then Send Payment via:
Before you hit the "Send Money Now" button, please "Add a note" above that, pasting and filling out that form
Please add any information you think we should have.
To inquire about helping with venue prep/cleaning, food/kitchen work, or class assisting for work trade contact [email protected] 503-998-7417
There is room at the venue for overnight stays. It is a private residence which is a 3 minute walk from Downtown Historic Placerville. Contact Carolyn Wakefield 530 306 4422 for more information. Address will be given after you register.
$400 for three day event
A la cart and sliding scale:
Food package $25 per day
Admin fee $25
Instruction fee $100-$25 per day
3 days (with $25 admin fee)
$100 = $325 + food = $400
$75 = $250 + food = $325
$50 = $175 + food = $250
$25 = $100 + food = $175
2 Days (with $25 admin fee)
$100 = $225 + food = $275
$75 = $175 + food = $225
$50 = $125 + food = $175
$25 = $75 + food = $125
1 day (with $25 admin fee)
$125 + food = $150
$100 + food = $125
$75 + food = $100
$50 + food = $75
When you're ready to register, please Copy this 4-line form to the Clipboard:
Days attending:
Then Send Payment via:
Before you hit the "Send Money Now" button, please "Add a note" above that, pasting and filling out that form
Please add any information you think we should have.
To inquire about helping with venue prep/cleaning, food/kitchen work, or class assisting for work trade contact [email protected] 503-998-7417
There is room at the venue for overnight stays. It is a private residence which is a 3 minute walk from Downtown Historic Placerville. Contact Carolyn Wakefield 530 306 4422 for more information. Address will be given after you register.